Monday, July 9, 2012


I am going on holidays in a week. As in going away from my home. With a girlfriend, but without my family. The monkeys will be staying home with WonderHubby for the first time ever. This is the first time I have ever been anywhere on my own. Even pre-kids. Is that slightly pathetic being almost 34, and never having been anywhere on my own, lol?? I have to say I am getting a little bit excited.... OK, alot excited! 

We are going to a friends' wedding in North Queensland. I can't  wait to be somewhere that is warm again! I can't wait to do things *I* want to do, not what anyone else wants. I will be responsible for me and only me. I will get at least 4 nights of uninterrupted sleep. My goodness, I won't know what to do with myself! I might even be able to read a book! I might even get a little tipsy....It's been a while!

I haven't been able to think of these sorts of possibilities for nearly 6yrs! In a weird kind of way it is sort of making me nervous, maybe a little anxious. To actually just be ME again. For a little while, I won't be mum, or wife. I will be just me. And that is it. It's a little bit confronting. I have had those titles to hide behind for a long time now. 

I'm grumpy? It's because I haven't slept well, I'm a mum of three young children. Go out somewhere with you? Hold on, I have to see if the Hubby is ok with that. I'm sorry, Buggity did a poo just as I was leaving the house! The sink overflowed? Maybe WonderHubby can fix it.

But for these next few days, I will be Me. Responsible for myself. My decisions will be wholly and solely based on myself. My thoughts will be mine. My body will be mine. I can do as I please, based on my own consciousness. Scary stuff for someone who has had to think of another for at least 5years. 15 or so if I include being married and having to include the Hubby in decisions!

Wow, I think I need to get out more....on my own!

1 comment:

  1. WOW you sound excited overwhelmed all in one...YAY for just having time for YOU and think about YOU...
