Friday, August 3, 2012

Weekends Suck!

For me, living out here in the sticks (outback NSW, in a small remote town of around 4200 people), weekends suck. I am usually home alone. WonderHubby very regularly works weekends from Thursday to Sunday. Night or day shifts, it matters not. Both are as horrible as each other, for different reasons. My friends are otherwise occupied with their own families, partners and/or children. There is nothing much open of a weekend here, not that there's much open during the week, because there's not much in this tiny town at the best of times! But can almost hear the world turning it is so quiet around here.

Today I am bored brainless. I *could* be packing away the three baskets of washing calling my name. Or playing more games with the kids (after having made a train track with them- which they promptly destroyed once I left them to it, drawn and coloured with them, made a picnic for lunch and had a little tea party outside). We watched a movie we have seen a thousand times, and had pop corn and now I am all kiddied-out.

I will have to make dinner soon, which I am rather unmotivated to do, though luckily enough for the family, I have to do something for them, and it may as well be the vege lasagna I have planned. Though I seriously doubt they will eat it (the kids) or enjoy it (WonderHubby). I might even get bored enough to tackle that mountain of folded laundry. But I am going to wallow in my misery of lonely boredom. Daydream of days gone by, and the things I AM going to do when we move back to civilisation.

I do long for lovely leisurely days spent with friends having a BBQ and a few drinks, or going to the movies with the kids. Ooohhh, the beach...sand in the toes...sand castles with the kids, good fish and chips, ice creams while moseying along the water line. Maybe even the theatre or a museum. Ahhh, a girl can dream. Out here, there is none of that.

So this a great big up yours to weekends. I actually can say with some pretty serious conviction that for me, they suck big hairy balls. I am so not a country chick.


  1. I hear you then glad i have moved

  2. Yeah...I can't wait. I am getting more and more impatient.
