Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I would love to be able to escape everything right now. In particular, to take my beautiful husband somewhere and just be with him. He rocks my world, and I get so little real quality time with him. It would be really lovely to be able to go on a holiday somewhere together, even just for a night, or weekend.

He so deserves to be spoiled to within an inch of his life, and I wish I could give him the world. He is a wonderful man, amazing hubby, and fantastic father. I would love to rain upon him gifts and deeds which I know he would love.

We never had a honey moon, I would love to surprise him with something like that. A holiday, a VERY belated honey moon somewhere romantic, where we can enjoy just being each other, not mummy or daddy, not having to work, or do dishes, or be responsible in any way shape or form. To not have a little person trying to edge in on the action if we manage to get close enough to have a cuddle. Not have someone butting in with their own conversations, if we manage to get the opportunity to actually talk to each other.

I'm feeling overwhelmed a little with my 'stuff', though I don't feel I really have the right to feel that way, since I have such a wonderful life. I harp on to my children about being ungrateful when they whinge about inconsequential things, yet here I am whining about my blessed life. I am a hypocrite.

But how I feel is how I feel. Overwhelmed. Bored. Uninspired. Unenergetic. Maybe I really do need to see someone...'professional'. A therapist or something. It's probably been too long that I have been feeling like this. Even if it is on and off all the time, I don't think I should be feeling down so often, given there aren't any real triggers. Except the sleeplessness. Isolation of a remote town. Lack of support from family... Still, maybe it's time to book in with a doctor. Maybe....


  1. Big hugs Kel...please organise to talk with someone...a counsellor or therapist of some kind? I know that feeling where you know where you want to be and what you "should" be doing/feeling but it feels like your stuck behind a wall of glass and just can't get through...you can overcome this with a bit of help. Message me if you ever want to chat...xoxo

  2. Thanks Kristie. I will be trying to get into someone here. It takes a bit of time though.
    It is so true about feeling like you're behind glass. You can see everything quite clearly, but just can't quite reach it all. You can't complete your goals. I begin things and rarely finish them to the end. I get distracted by the kids, or the other things I need to do. I don't feel like I accomplish anything.
