Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Looking after yourself

Sorry it's been a while since I have been around. I have been feeling a bit boring. Not much going on in life, all the same, mundane, groundhog day sort of stuff. Which got me to thinking.....

I have been thinking about how I look after myself. And I guess it's kind of become clear that I don't really. Not for the long term. Things like seeing a doctor, dentist, eating healthily, exercise. Things which I don't do with the regularity and dedication I should. If we could afford it right now, I would definitely go to the dentist (although I hate it with a passion!), the physio to have my poor back fixed and my core muscles strengthened properly (after 15 years as a child care teacher and then 3 pregnancies in 3 1/2 years, as well as gaining 35kg, I think I can safely say my back and core are kaput!). Unfortunately, finances don't allow for what many would see as being pretty basic, normal things.

Additionally, I would love to see a chiro, for the same reasons as seeing a physio. I would get a massage monthly (at least!) and a pedicure just for the love of them! I would like the luxury of a gym membership too, and to go to the hairdresser MUCH more often. I would likely do a lot more too, if we had the time and money, but we can't.

So, I want to try to focus on what I can change. Eat more healthily. Go walking. Both easy and free, the only cost is time, which I need to work out and make sure I make it an every day thing and that I do it, and don't feel guilty. My friends have started to go at night, which will be a good option for when WonderHubby is home, the kids are in bed and I can go guilt free! And I will go to the gym or pools if we have some spare money.

I will make appointments and go to the doctor and have those regular things done I should have done (like a pap smear, blood pressure and cholesterol checked etc...) Try to make a longer term plan to get the the other appointments I would like to get to. Save money and prioritise, rather than wait until I HAVE to go, like if I get a tooth ache, or can barely move with the pain in my back.

The other things....well, I do those things once or twice a year or so. Massages, pedicures, hairdressers. None of them necessary, but all of it makes me feel good. Good in myself, and about myself. It makes me feel more attractive. More worth it. It is a bit sad it takes these extrinsic things to help me feel like that, but c'est la vie! I do love a good pampering. I usually spend any birthday or Chrissy money I get on those luxuries. And well.... Christmas is coming up (WAY too quickly if you ask me!!) I may just have to indulge myself some time soon!

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