Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today I became an Aunt again. To a, no doubt beautiful, bouncing baby boy. I wish I could meet him face to face. Unfortunately I am 900 km away, and I have no chance to get there until December. From both WonderHubby's side of the family and mine, I have 8 nephews and one niece.

Sadly for WH and our own little family, we live far away from all of them, from both of our families. Most of my family is about a 9 hour drive east. WH's family is about 16-20 hours drive north east from us. WH has been away from his family for a long time, since before we met, so it is not so different for him to not actually visit them and see them regularly. But for me, it is something different. I have lived close to my family my whole life. Until we moved out here, to the outback of NOWHERE!

I used to see my mum, brothers, sister in law, niece and nephew at least once a week. Usually several times a week. And whilst we have had our issues and it can be annoying and difficult to be around everyone all of the time, when they aren't just a 5 minute drive up the road, you really feel it.

I never got a lot of help with my kids from my family, though I could rely on my SIL or (if I was really desperate) my mum to look after my kids. I could always visit their house anytime and not have to be in mine aallll day by myself (with the kids of course!) like I sometimes am these days.

I also really miss my nanna. I blogged about her here a little while ago. It worries me that she may pass away whilst we're out here and I won't have gotten to see her all that much. Or I won't be able to get back to see her, if she gets seriously ill.

I do have issues with my family. I don't think there are many people who don't right?! But I miss them. Especially my niece and nephews. They have all grown into big people and I missed it. My kids are growing and their aunts and uncles and nan and pop and granma and granpa are missing the awesome little cherubs they're turning into. It makes me sad....but I guess that's life right?!

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