Monday, November 19, 2012

Slowly does it.

I have lost 600g since I last blogged, yay!! A measly 600g some of you may say, but it is a step in the right direction for me. I am happy with that. Considering the only changes I made were to go walking 3 times last week (as Iin, specifically going for a walk for the sake of exercise), have plenty of water, and trying to eat better at breakfast time, I think 600g is pretty awesome.

That means I am down to 97.2kg. I will do my body measurements fortnightly, maybe even monthly, so no measurements were taken this week. I am also MAKING myself stay off the scales in between weekly weigh ins. Otherwise I get too hung up on those small weight gains I often experience through the week for what ever reasons!

I am trying to do this slowly, I figure if I aim to change a few small things at a time, then I will manage to keep the changes make them my lifestyle, rather than a huge effort all of the time, because I'm trying to do too much at once. Clearly trying to do it all was just too much, because although I really do want all of those things to change (my weight, my fitness, my eating, my lifestyle), and I do manage to do it for a while, I always fall down. I always hit a speed hump and can't pick myself up again. So a few things a week or every month is more achievable.

Last week I focused on drinking more water, eating a good breaky and wearing my pedometre (ie, doing the recommended 10000+ steps a day).

I am doing really well with drinking water.
I did ok with eating healthy breakfasts, though could do better, and need to do it every day!
I didn't do so well with wearing my pedometre, only wearing it 4 out of the last 8 days.

So this next week, I will aim to:

Eat a healthy, hearty breakfast every morning.
Wear my pedometre and do 10000 steps a day.
Eat more fruit and veggies every day (meet the 2 fruit serves and 5 vegetable servings a day)

More info on the two and five campaign and the 10000 steps theory here:

Here's hoping for another 600g loss! I can do this!!!