Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today is the day

So today I weighed myself after being away on holidays for 3 weeks. I knew I had put on some weight, but was shocked to see the numbers on the scales.
97kg. Yep, you read right. For my 163cm frame, that sets me into the 'Obese' category according to my Body Mass Index. I will need to lose 32kg to be in the healthy range. Holy sheep shit Batman.....that's a lot of tub-a-lub to go. That's a lot of effort. And time. And commitment.
But I can do it. I will do it. I don't want to be that fat mum who can't (or won't for fear of people laughing at me or thinking how horrid I look) do thing with their kids. I don't want to embarrass my children because of my size. And I just want to enjoy living life again. I want to enjoy being me and having confidence to wear certain clothes, or be able to shop in 'normal' clothes stores and find things to fit me. I want to be able to run and not feel that horrible 'wobble' all over!
So this is it. Next time I blog here, I will be a little fitter, a little healthier and hopefully a little lighter.
I want family photos I love. I don't want to groan at the sight of myself because I was/am fat, I want to smile at the memories of the wonderful times we had.
Today it begins. Today I will change for the better. It will take time, patience, understanding (from myself and others!) But I will do it. I will be that healthy, vibrant, active woman I want to be.


  1. I think you are still beautiful, but we can lean on each other and really be a support if presented with temptation!! I know you can do it xxx

  2. Naw, thanks Mel. We can be a great support to each other. Alot of what we live each day is very similar to each other.
