Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm a lucky ducky

I have been thinking about all that I have to appreciate in life. And I am one ginormously lucky chick-a-dee.

I am healthy (well... relatively so!)
I have three gorgeous, healthy, happy children.
I have a wonderful, funny, supportive and loyal hubby.
I have amazing friends.
I have a home, more than enough food and money, clothes......
I live in a beautiful place that is fair and just (most of the time) and not war-torn or in any kind of upheaval.

So as I sit here today and contemplate the mountain of washing I need to wash and fold, what food I should make for dinner, whist I deal with my children whining and whinging about stupid and irrelevant things, as I walk safely down the street with my three children, I will be grateful.

I am lucky. I have more than I could ever need. I have more than most people. I will enjoy my day because I don't have any real problems right now. I have enough. Of everything. And then some.

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