Monday, June 18, 2012

I am smaller!

In my first post, I said that when I posted next, I would be smaller, lighter, there would be less chubba-lub. And there has been. I just had the light bulb moment where I realised that for almost 6 weeks, I have been losing weight. I am getting healthier. It is a slow journey, but that is supposed to be better for you.
I have lost another 400g. ALMOST broken through that 94kg barrier, just a measly 100g to go!! I haven't measured myself this week. I will do it fortnightly to get more accurate results.

The Hubby and I have gone sugar free this week. I had a horrible day the first day, with a huge headache and terrible mood swings, but since then it seems to be all down hill for me. I must admit I am missing sugar in my coffee, but the rest of it has been fairly easy really. I have had the odd craving for chocolate, particularly my hot chocolates of a night, though it hasn't been the sort of irresistible, unmanageable urges I thought I would get. I have replaced the hot drinks with others- with either warm milk, a green tea, or simply warm water. All I really need on a cold night, is that warmth going through me, it's not necessarily the taste that I need.

I still really need to work on prioritising exercise. This morning I went for a walk/run. But it is the first real exercise I have done all week. I have been using the Hubby being at work alot this week as my excuse. As well as being tired from not sleeping alot. But I need to ignore it all. Because it will all be there if I exercise or not. But if I exercise and lose weight, get healthier and fitter, it might all be easier to deal with. And even if it's not, I will be fitter and healthier. That in itself is the bonus!

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