Sunday, June 3, 2012


WonderHubby and I have been amazingly blessed. We have three beautiful healthy and happy children. I have been on a huge learning curve since becoming a mother, as has Hubby since becoming 'Dad' (a.k.a. Da or Diddy in our house).

Our kids are awesome little people. They surprise me, humor me, anger me and frustrate me no end. It is such a roller coaster of emotions with them everyday. But at the end of the day, I usually kiss them, love them, tell them how amazingly proud I am of them, how awesome they are and I absolutely appreciate them for the beautiful people they are becoming.

Our big girl, Bear is 5 years and 2 months old. She is a beautiful looking child, as well as being beautiful inside too. She has amazing big blue eyes, straight brown hair and pale peaches and cream skin. She is going to be a heart breaker and a ball breaker, lol! She is very intelligent and curious. She loves to learn and will know something if you tell her or show her once, she remembers things I said 3 years ago, literally. She is great at figuring conundrums out by herself. Often serious and very mature for her age, she is a leader and is competitive. She enjoys lots of different types of humour, but often finds the most simple things funny. She is articulate and loves to talk. Some days she talks so much to me that I think my ears will bleed! I am often playing the 'who can be the quietest game' with her, trying to keep her from talking my ears off! She adores being a big sister and looks after her little brothers and loves to help me. She is a girly girl, and loves feminine things, but is also strong and very physical, always jumping running dancing and climbing. She has a quirky sense of style and has been dressing herself since she was about 2. She is eager to please and dislikes any kind of criticism. She knows how to make her brothers do things for her and can be very clever and manipulative! She is creative and loves music, dancing, drawing, painting and anything crafty.

Mr-in-the-middle, Little Dude, is 3 years and 9months old. My Little Dude is lovely. He has big long-eye-lashed blue eyes that make me melt. He has an infectious laugh and smile. And a little bit of a lisp, that I love listening to. He is my over-emotional affecionado. He loves to cuddle. He is thoughtful and considerate. Loving and so totally lovable. He learns from being hands on, and I suspect when he goes to school he will quickly be labelled 'the class clown'. He loves to be silly and make people laugh. He is definitely not serious and laughs at  the most inopportune moments. He likes to please people, though only on his terms. If there is something he doesn't want to do, then he digs his heels in and is stubborn and impossible to reason with. Though his sister has him totally figured out and often has him running around to do things for her. He loves to get dirty and play outdoors, especially in mud or sand. He loves traditional 'boys' things like trucks, trains and rough housing, but he will also dress up as a fairy and prance about with his sister (I suspect this is mostly because it makes her happy!). He has told me many times he wants to be a daddy just like his daddy, and I think he'd make an amazing daddy in (hopefully MANY!) years to come. He is genuine and loyal and a deep thinker. He frustrates the absolute crap out of me at times (though that's my issue, not his) and he hates to think he's let anyone down, he will often burst out crying if he thinks he's really hurt someone.

Then there's #3, Buggity Boo. He is  17months old. He has charisma up the wazoo. I am often told that he is an old soul. And boy, sometimes I really do think he must be. He seems to instinctively know when someone needs loving. He knows who will love him back. He often approaches strangers and gives them big full on hugs. We were waiting in a doctors surgery one day and he gave an old lady a huge full body snuggle. He left her with a tear rolling down her cheek. He just *knows*. He is affectionate and loving. He is clever and is learning at a rate of knots. He is so curious and he has to be a part of everything, and comes running if he hears voices or strange noises! He is active, spirited and adventurous and gets into absolutely everything, making twice as much mess for me to tidy, and driving me bananas. I have often found him joyfully dancing on the dining table to a tv jingle. He is a crafty little thinker and is always on his toes. He knows when his best opportunities to create havoc are, and will go about his business stealthily! Although, it is so hard to get cranky at him, when he looks at me with his big baby blues and huge dimply smile. He is charming and a bit of a clown like his big brother.  He is an absolute joy and brings light and laughter wherever he goes.

Then there's my WonderHubby. He is awesome, truly a wonder hubby. My soft place to fall, my rock, my pillar, my Mr. Dependable. He forgives me my short-comings and loves me for me. Because I'm me. I love him to the moon and back and would be totally lost without him. He is loyal and genuine and his emotions run deep, but he won't let you know it, just like our Little Dude. He is intelligent and rational. He's an antagonist and likes a good argument. Unfortunately for him, I don't. I hate arguing, even if it's for 'fun'. He is affable and cheerful and is all about having fun. He can turn almost any bad situation into something positive. He is definitely a glass-half-full kind of person, as opposed to my at times, it's-all-too-hard, easily overwhelmed, glass-half-empty disposition. He can also just get on with it most of the time, again unlike me, who gets caught up in the details and the emotions of things. He can come across as a bit full on and arrogant when you first meet him, but that is just him, he's not arrogant. Besides, he doesn't really worry what anyone but those he really love thinks. One of the attributes I love about him, maybe even envy a bit. He can filter out other peoples' crap. He is an amazing father and if my children grow up to be half the person, parent, friend, and partner he is, I will be terribly proud of them. He is my wonderful WonderHubby and I love him to pieces.

So, there is an insight to my amazing family. I am one lucky lady. I know it, I work hard to maintain it and try to remember it all the time, and to be gracious about it and grateful for it all. It's not a picnic in the park, it's not all roses all of the time. But it's my life, and it's one hell of an amazing and tantalising ride!!

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