Monday, June 11, 2012

The weight loss story continued....

So, my weight loss efforts have been pretty piss poor, until the last few days. Over the weekend, I had a huge blowout, food wise. Luckily enough for me, I haven't gained any of the weight I had lost, but also haven't lost any more after having a pretty good week before hand! I need to up the ante on the exercise front, as well as being more mindful and careful of what I'm eating.

I have done a fair amount of comfort eating, instead of focusing on eating for hunger. The Hubby has just had 4 night shifts, half a day off and 4 day shifts, which kills both of us, because we're both so tired and grizzly at each other. Little Dude and Buggity Boo are sick, and have been for about 6 weeks on and off. We just can't seem to shake their illnesses. That means several very sleepless nights for me, and it's usually on  WonderHubby's night shifts, so I have to cope on my own with them. Which stresses me out, and makes me anxious at the thought of nights shifts at home alone with sick children. And that in turn, causes me to comfort/stress/boredom eat. Bleugh. I wish I dealt with stuff with something else, instead of food!

I have eaten well and feel pretty good, right now. In the zone. I would love to go out and for a walk/run, but I have the three kids home, and no one else to look after them. When Hubby works, generally I can't go out of the house to exercise. I can do some wii-fit exercise, which does get the heart rate up, but I don't particularly enjoy it. So I procrastinate, and put it off all day. Today I did run around with the ball with the kids at the park. And I walked about 30mins all up through the day, from here to there and around the place, though that is with an almost-4-year-old in tow. And he is slow. Painfully slow at times! I have lots of excuses and 'reasons' to get past. I still need to JUST DO IT!!!!!

All up at the end of this week, I have lost no weight, but 2cm overall. Go figure. Since I have barely exercised at all, I probably just measured differently to last fortnight....

As of last night, 11th June, I am 94.4kg, 3.6kg weight loss and a 2cm loss from my measurements.


  1. Congratulations on your weight loss! I would love if you posted a gadget to your blog so I could (easily) follow your journey :)

  2. Thank you! How would I attach a gadget? LOL, I haven't ever done this blogging thang before!
