Thursday, June 28, 2012

Up and Down....

This last week or two has been really up and down. Emotionally  and  health-wise.  It has been a stressful and a bit of an anxious time, with some personal changes going on. I have been sick the past week. Nothing serious, just a bad cold, but I've been miserable none the less!

I weighed and measured myself this morning and I have lost over a kilo and 6cm over all this month. Eating has been ok, not wonderful, with serveral unnecssary treats in there. I gained over a kilo last week, so I have just lost that again. Yoyo-ing, already.

Exercise- still not doing enough or regularly, or to any kind of timetable or anything. ....hoping to get to the park with the kids today and I will walk/run around the park while they play. Or maybe just run around with them with a ball. My cold is going now, so I am properly focused again. The last few days have been hit and miss with food and no exercise! Go figure.....After a little meltdown and freak out last week at gaining over a kilo back, I have no idea what my body is doing.

I really felt like this week was an ok week. I felt like at least I should have stayed the same, not gained, and more than a kilo?! That kilo took me more than two weeks to lose!!! I think that is why it is so disheartening. I had worked so hard to get it all off, then BAM in a few days it's all back, and then some. I know alot of it is in my head, I have been trying to use the strategies I have to not 'eat my emotions', but still I couldn't resist the emotional eating crap. Will this end or am I doomed to do this to myself forever??

I was ready to give up again. After a pathetic SMS to a gorgeous friend, I managed to get my mind into gear again. A HUGE thank you to her for mustering some motivation in me. I just don't know where I'm going SO wrong. I know I haven't had a perfect week with eating, I didn't exercise all that much, but again, that's not really different than any other week. And seriously, a whole kilo??? It was actually 1.1kg. I'm so disappointed in myself. I feel like all I'm doing is depriving myself of things I enjoy for nothing. All I think about is food and what I * should/shouldn't* do. Everything is just such a struggle when it comes to food right now. It should just be food. Not everything else I seem to think it is!

Now I am back to tracking kilojoules and eating sensibly. Trying to exercise when I can. I will be making a roster thingy when I get WonderHubby's new work roster, so that I can get out kid free at least 1hr, 4 times a week. If that is all I do then it is a good weekly effort. Being kid free will be a motivator for me to actually do it.

It's been about 6 weeks since I started with trying to change myself. It's proving to be really tough, but I am trying very hard to persevere. I'm learning that my biggest hurdle is to stop my emotional eating. That is where I trip myself up the most. Lonely? A mars bar will help that. Tired? Have a bickie or 5! Kids are all at preschool and you have time to yourself? Go out for a hot chocolate and cake. Food is my rewards, my solace, my comfort. I need to change those things. I think when I manage to associate comfort and rewards with other things I will be onto a winner. I am still struggling with that!

Since May 18th, I have- 

Lost 3.5kg and 6cm over all.

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