Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's leaving time

One of my gorgeous friends from this post,, is leaving. I knew the day would come one day, but I was trying to ignore the fact it would happen. She is one of the best friends I have had for a very long time. We see each other nearly daily, and have done so for at least 6months. She is someone I am totally comfortable with. I know there is no judgement. I know there is always honesty. Always an ear to talk off and a shoulder to lean on. She is welcome in my home anytime. Even when it's a horrid mess, which is a huge deal for me. I hate the thought of judgement due to appearances, so if someone comes over my house is usually at least tidy, with the mess hidden away! But with her (and 2 other special friends), I couldn't care less. My house is a sty? Come for coffee, I need to see you!

Bear, Little Dude and her Little Miss are all around the same ages. They adore each other, so much so, my kids ask me if we're going to see Little Miss EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. It will be tough for them to understand why they can't see each other anymore. It's going to be really hard for me to say goodbye. It has made me think of other people and things I have had to say goodbye to. And I am pretty terrible at it. I am really bad at letting go. 

We have one more week to see each other, to actually be in each others company. And then it will be a long distance friendship, with no real time frame for when we might be able to see each other again. This day and age makes long distance friendships and relationships easier with e-mail and skype and mobile phones, but still it's not the same. 

I anticipate a terrible day for me, the start of a tough ride. On the day that they leave here. Living in a mining town, and many families being 'mining families', other people here are probably used to farewells. But I had lived in Sydney my whole life. The same suburb, I went to the same school, saw the same people, I had the same friends and people in my life. All the time. I haven't ever really had to say goodbye. Until we came here. I have seen a few families leave that we know leave. People who we were acquaintances with, but no one I was close with, it wasn't hard to give a wave and say good luck with everything. So this will be tough. A pretty big personal challenge. I think I will be a sobbing mess. 

So Lovely Lady, I know you will read this. Be forewarned. I will be a sobbing mess. Try to ignore me. I will get through it eventually. You're just moving towns, a long way away, granted, but you're not leaving my life. We will visit each other one day, and call, and maybe even write if we get the time. But you and your girl rock my world. So I need to mourn not seeing you often enough. Ok?


  1. You scared me with the title of this Kellie! I thought OH NO EVERYONE IS LEAVING! Glad you are staying. Very sad to see this lady go though, she is inspirational. xoxo

  2. LOL, sorry jo! We aren't leaving just yet! We still have a few years to go here :).
    It is very sad to be saying goodbye, she is an inspiration.
